Why Discovery Headbands?

Since I have such a love for headbands, I wanted something to keep my mind busy, feel safe and accomplished, while continuing to discover who I am as a person.

During the early stages of my diagnoses, I had this connection with headbands where it was almost like a security blanket. I felt slightly more comfortable and confident when wearing one.

I picked the name "Discovery Headbands" by Jodilynn because while I was growing up, I was always confident in who I was and what I wanted to do. I never questioned anything, I just knew exactly what I wanted and I was determined to accomplish it. I felt like I was unstoppable.

When I was diagnosed, my world got completely flipped upside down and inside out. I had no clue who I was. There were days it took my breath away not knowing if I would ever feel "me" again. Things were happening to me I couldn't control and thought, how? is this happening to me? I began seeing a psychologist and I always thought I knew who I was, until questions came up during treatment that I had no answers for. It was as if I was living in this fake world by putting on a face everywhere I went pretending everything was perfect and positive and to never be the negativity in someone's day.

To this day, I still wake up and continue on this journey of discovering who I am as a person. Every single day is new and different, and the discovery changes from day to day.

I encourage people to discover themselves, by digging into their emotions and telling yourself "You ARE Worth It". I continue to discover who I am, and share this experience with those who are doing the same, but if you have discovered yourself, I encourage you to support others who are still on this journey.

I felt this fit perfectly for the purpose of my brand as I want to, support mental illness, and self discovery, so there can be a safe place to share stories. This allows us to be, creative, comfortable, and fashionable all at the same time.