Unique Discovery Gem
I would like to take a moment to speak about what makes Discovery Headbands so unique and special.
It is the Discovery Gem! Not only are the headbands fashionable and comfortable but every single headband has a hidden gem in it. They are not all the same and they are not in the same place. It's part of the fun trying to find what gem you received and where it is located each time you get a headband.
I want this gem to be a reminder of how amazing and strong you are! You supported me and this is my reminder that I am supporting you.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I decided to hide the gem within the headbands and not have it visible to the public because it's precious and unique to the Discovery Headbands JUST LIKE your mental health and brain is to you!
Be kind to yourself and always remember, "it's the gem that exists within, that matters the most, even if others can't see it" by Jodilynn.
"Feel the power of the gem whenever you wear a headband"