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Do you struggle or know someone who's struggled with mental illness and would love an opportunity to share your story and have a headband collection named after you? This is your opportunity, Discovery Headbands is now accepting applications. Click Here

Behind the Brand
Once upon a time I was a police officer. I put my heart and soul into this career as I thought it was going to be my life for 30 years. I got hired at a young age and I put everything into it as not a single day went by, I thought I would do something else.
Slowly as time passed, things were happening to me mentally that I didn't even know, until it was too late.
June 19, 2017, was when my Dr. signed me off work because I was a risk to my own safety which made it unsafe for others.
Since that day, I have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, severe anxiety and major depression. I have not returned to police work and I will never be returning to policing.
I am currently not working and this is because of my mental illness. I struggle to be in settings where conflicts arise so this eliminates a lot of possibilities for myself. Even places one would think you should feel safe, is where I feel unsafe and triggers occur.
I'm always searching for ways to help people as it's apart of me and what I love to do, and I've always loved headbands, but I'm quite particular about the fit.
When I was diagnosed, it made me realize how uncomfortable the world was with sharing my story, or being open about things and showing emotion. I've always said, I don't want people to have to feel the way I felt, so I wanted to create a space or a community where we could all raise awareness for mental health and feel safe to share our stories.
I look forward to growing this community and continuing to learn more from others, while being creative, comfortable and fashionable all the same time.
Why Discovery Headbands?
Since I have such a love for headbands, I wanted something to keep my mind busy, feel safe and accomplished, while continuing to discover who I am as a person.
During the early stages of my diagnoses, I had this connection with headbands where it was almost like a security blanket. I felt slightly more comfortable and confident when wearing one.
I picked the name "Discovery Headbands" by Jodilynn because while I was growing up, I was always confident in who I was and what I wanted to do. I never questioned anything, I just knew exactly what I wanted and I was determined to accomplish it. I felt like I was unstoppable.
When I was diagnosed, my world got completely flipped upside down and inside out. I had no clue who I was. There were days it took my breath away not knowing if I would ever feel "me" again. Things were happening to me I couldn't control and thought, how? is this happening to me? I began seeing a psychologist and I always thought I knew who I was, until questions came up during treatment that I had no answers for. It was as if I was living in this fake world by putting on a face everywhere I went pretending everything was perfect and positive and to never be the negativity in someone's day.
To this day, I still wake up and continue on this journey of discovering who I am as a person. Every single day is new and different, and the discovery changes from day to day.
I encourage people to discover themselves, by digging into their emotions and telling yourself "You ARE Worth It". I continue to discover who I am, and share this experience with those who are doing the same, but if you have discovered yourself, I encourage you to support others who are still on this journey.
I felt this fit perfectly for the purpose of my brand as I want to, support mental illness, and self discovery, so there can be a safe place to share stories. This allows us to be, creative, comfortable, and fashionable all at the same time.

Unique Discovery Gem
I would like to take a moment to speak about what makes Discovery Headbands so unique and special.
It is the Discovery Gem! Not only are the headbands fashionable and comfortable but every single headband has a hidden gem in it. They are not all the same and they are not in the same place. It's part of the fun trying to find what gem you received and where it is located each time you get a headband.
I want this gem to be a reminder of how amazing and strong you are! You supported me and this is my reminder that I am supporting you.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I decided to hide the gem within the headbands and not have it visible to the public because it's precious and unique to the Discovery Headbands JUST LIKE your mental health and brain is to you!
Be kind to yourself and always remember, "it's the gem that exists within, that matters the most, even if others can't see it" by Jodilynn.
"Feel the power of the gem whenever you wear a headband"